It’s a whole range of tools and locations available to get the best engagement and advertising according to our creativity. That’s the main key for this year 2018. Parking, Shopping Centres, Urban Circuits, Mupis, Billboards, Bus stops, even dust bins… Your Service, producto or imagen will be everywhere. So simple, so easy, so effective…
Full of projects and ideas for Advierte. New locations in Marbella and surroundings with more important places such as shopping centres in Málaga, CC Vialia or parkings such as El Molino in the center of Marbella. Moreover, Advierte has different placements in the Airport of Málaga…
Projects keep coming and growing. Collaboration and cooperation with different companies and business trying to help at several market áreas. It is one of our most important projects, Amour Factory Props
Advierte counts with an essential basis and that is donations and collaboration with all those companies that work for a good cause, as it is fundraising or helping people with disability or rare disease.
Besides, Advierte will update through website or social media, facebok, twitter or google+ every single new according to outdoor advertising. New technlogies, video, led screens, new locations through email marketing to every client and friend, close to Advierte.
Feel free to contact us and let us guide you with a free proposal trough or emailing us to We are available on the mobile too: 610 748 081. Javier Domínguez, Advierte’s general manager. It will be great to be part of your Project.