Dear friends,
It’s a pleasure to inform latest news about advertising rights at the Airports, according to national location. After the takeover by Multinational JC DEcaux, updated results brings notorious adavantages that must be highlighted.
Firstly, an important dynamism has been ejected as new advertising spaces have been increased. More disposition as well as execution an above all, a significant discount in some cases about to reach 50%.
As you know, Advierte works as a pure catalyst in order to send precisely and in best conditions, every offer that comes out the market. National offers and our segment is not just limited to the Málaga Airport, but we can increase reach and advertising of your brands.
Focused on Málaga Airport, it’s a pleasure to remind how important it is: 4th place according to daily passangers, just after Madrid, Barcelona and Ibiza. Numbers of passengers last 2015 reached 11,4 millions and it’s quite sure it will be increased this year 2016.
Months quite crowded are, obviously July and August as it follows:
National: 460.000
International: 2.965.000
However, we can’t forget Málaga is a great city, reference within worldwide tourism as it receives a great amount of visitors and potential clients during the whole year.
In a whole vision, it is important to communicate these changes in order to get the best advantage so your brands and business can bee seen in the Spanish and consequently, the European market.
Thanks for your time and feel free to contact me in case you might have any question.
Sincerely, Javier Domíngez
Manager at Advierte Imagen & Comunicación